MannMade USA MannMade USA GK-3 Pickup Ring Adapter - Black - John Mann's Guitar Vault

MannMade USA

MannMade USA GK-3 Pickup Ring Adapter - Black

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MannMade USA GK-3 Pickup Ring Adapter

MannMade USA GK-3 Pickup Ring Adapter allows you to mount the Roland GK-3 Divided Pickup easily, with no modifications necessary or doing any damage to your guitar.
And it's completely reversible!

Made in the USA.
MannMade USA # 6019-B

How to Install:

1.) Remove your strings.
2.) Remove the four (4) pickup ring mounting screws (in the corners). 3.) Lift the entire pickup assembly out of its cavity - NO NEED TO DISASSEMBLE pickup from pickup ring. 4.) Slide the GK3 pickup ring adapter over the pickup assembly, so that it is underneath the pickup assembly. 5.) Re-install your pickup assembly into its cavity and install the four (4) pickup ring mounting screws. 6.) Attach the Roland GK3 midi pickup using either two (2) sided tape or two (2) drops of "Super Glue". 7.) Follow the installation and setup instructions provided with your Roland GK3 midi pickup. 8.) Install new strings, tune up and rock on!


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